I know it's late, but I kind of underestimated the size of this book, I'm sorry. But this review is finished on time as you can see ;) I hope it's worth it !

Publisher: Transworld
Rating: 8/10
The lesson of the day isn't really about the content of the book, but more about the style of the book and me reading books. I really like reading but I'm always afraid of reading more difficult books as I did before this one. I wasn't really sure about this book, but I was willing to give it a try and it was ... totally worth it ! I was really surprised because this isn't my genre, but now I changed my mind. I should read this sort of books more often. Great lesson, I should remember that.
Now, the review about the book itself. I was amazed as I told you, and it really has a reason. This book is well written, has a good start, makes the book more exciting with every page and the end is just outstanding ! You just can't believe what is happening to her at last. It is such a good plot. If you read this book, you won't sleep when you're reading the end. At least I didn't :) most of the detective-kind of books are really heavy to read (that's my opinion) but this one isn't. It isn't that hard to read it and you sure can follow at the end, because it's that good written. Once you're almost at the revelation, you'll say: oooooh, now I get it ! That's what happened to me :)
The book is a real succes. It has been published in the spring last year, and they're already making a movie ! Unfortunately, I can't tell you who's playing in it :( but I really want to see it, who's with me ?
The book didn't start getting REALLY good until I was more than halfway done. And when I say REALLY good, I mean it went from okay to AMAZING in .8 seconds. The plot was so thick, the book has sucked me in so much. The last half of the book flew by and I ended up reading the whole book in one day. It was gripping. I was on the edge of my seat throughout the end. And when it ended, I truly did not even want it to end. It was amazing. And because of that, I highly recommend it. Not only is the style and concept different, they end up gripping you till the very last page.. if you let it.