Hello guys,
as you can see above this post between my pages, I have a Tumblr-account (maybe check it out ;). I wanted to ask you: do you know any authors who have an account on it ? So I can stay in touch with them and inform the others too :) Just asking !
See you soon !
Get to know new books and discover what I think about them ! E-mail: theyoungreader@hotmail.be
Wednesday, February 29
Sunday, February 26
Voor Claire by Frauke Joossen
Hello guys,
time for a new book. This book is very emotional, something you don't see everyday. This book is unique, there's no other story like this.
Pages: 312
Publisher: Uitgeverij Van Halewyck
Rating: 8.5/10
This book is not a normal one you read everyday. It's about a family who lost a daughter, a sister, a best friend. In the book, you can read three stories. There are chapters, but you don't have to read them in order. This book tells the story of a triplet, and two of the children have mucosal. Claire died of it, her sister is still alive, but knows that this could also happen to her. This story learned me that, even if you're sick, you still can enjoy live. The story tells us that the girl was still smiling the day before she died. You have to be happy with what you have, just like she did. Smile, even when you are in deep trouble. I bought this book because I thought it would be interesting to know what happened, and how the others dealt with it. It was much more than that. It was so heavy, but yet easy to read. It's hard to explain actually. You're pulled in this story, but it's a book where you don't have a good feeling of afterwards.
Deep lesson of the week. The writer did a very good job, but it was hard for me to read, many aspects were very emotional. I think it wasn't easy for the journalist to write these stories down, and even harder to listen to them. Prepare yourself if you read this book, because it's going to be quite a ride.
You may have noticed that I didn't use smileys and used short sentences in this review. That's because this is serious. This was the most thrilling book I ever read. I have a deep respect for these people, and I don't think that will change. Maybe there's a book that's even more thrilling than this one. Send me an e-mail with the title and author in it and I'll read it, give my opinion and a rating, it will appear here on my blog.
time for a new book. This book is very emotional, something you don't see everyday. This book is unique, there's no other story like this.

Publisher: Uitgeverij Van Halewyck
Rating: 8.5/10
This book is not a normal one you read everyday. It's about a family who lost a daughter, a sister, a best friend. In the book, you can read three stories. There are chapters, but you don't have to read them in order. This book tells the story of a triplet, and two of the children have mucosal. Claire died of it, her sister is still alive, but knows that this could also happen to her. This story learned me that, even if you're sick, you still can enjoy live. The story tells us that the girl was still smiling the day before she died. You have to be happy with what you have, just like she did. Smile, even when you are in deep trouble. I bought this book because I thought it would be interesting to know what happened, and how the others dealt with it. It was much more than that. It was so heavy, but yet easy to read. It's hard to explain actually. You're pulled in this story, but it's a book where you don't have a good feeling of afterwards.
Deep lesson of the week. The writer did a very good job, but it was hard for me to read, many aspects were very emotional. I think it wasn't easy for the journalist to write these stories down, and even harder to listen to them. Prepare yourself if you read this book, because it's going to be quite a ride.
You may have noticed that I didn't use smileys and used short sentences in this review. That's because this is serious. This was the most thrilling book I ever read. I have a deep respect for these people, and I don't think that will change. Maybe there's a book that's even more thrilling than this one. Send me an e-mail with the title and author in it and I'll read it, give my opinion and a rating, it will appear here on my blog.
Wednesday, February 15
Pages and publisher
Hello guys,
You noticed that I give the pages and the publisher of the book I review.I don't doubt that you have an other number or publisher. It's normal, it depends on the country you live in and in which language you read the book. At home, I have some books in Dutch which my father has in English and those two things are different. So if I say that the book has, for example 430, it could be and probably will be an other number for you.
Just to clear things up. I don't want you to be disappointed when you read a review of mine and see it has 100 pages, you buy the book and you are surprised that it has 250 pages. I'm thinking of you ;)
See you soon !
You noticed that I give the pages and the publisher of the book I review.I don't doubt that you have an other number or publisher. It's normal, it depends on the country you live in and in which language you read the book. At home, I have some books in Dutch which my father has in English and those two things are different. So if I say that the book has, for example 430, it could be and probably will be an other number for you.
Just to clear things up. I don't want you to be disappointed when you read a review of mine and see it has 100 pages, you buy the book and you are surprised that it has 250 pages. I'm thinking of you ;)
See you soon !
Sunday, February 12
Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling
Hello guys,
time for a new book review ! Better hold on, because it's going to be magical ;)
Pages: 547
Publisher: De Standaard Harmonie
Rating: 8/10
Yes, Harry Potter. I think that everybody knows him. Probably everybody has seen the movies, I don't doubt it. But did they read the books ? Now, you'll probably say: why would you read the book if you already saw the movie, it's the same, right ? I have to answer that with a big fat NO. If you see the movie, you can't use your own imagination. All has been visualized. And if you saw the movie before you read the book, you 'imagine' the actor doing all the things and not your own creation. Charlotte has waited until she read all the books, and then she watched the movies. Respect !
Ok, the lesson of the day. There are several things where I can think of. Be the better person, always do good, trust your friends and be a good one yourself, etc. Give me your lesson what you have learned in these seven (not eight, those are the movies!) books.
Now, the reason that I gave you the cover of the fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, is because this book is my favorite. It's the most exciting book, there happens a lot in it, and the movie is the best one. Yes, I saw the movie but again, I read the book first as you can read in the post Books that have been filmed. I read the books in Dutch, but I'm planning to read them in English ofcourse.
Ofcourse, and I mentioned it before, it has been filmed. Starring Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint. There will be a new poll on the right, called 'Which book do you like the most'. Please vote, it's nice when I see that there are some persons who voted for it :)
I probably post something on Sunday (not a book review ofcourse), so it would be nice if you joined me again :) see you soon !
time for a new book review ! Better hold on, because it's going to be magical ;)
Pages: 547
Publisher: De Standaard Harmonie
Rating: 8/10
Yes, Harry Potter. I think that everybody knows him. Probably everybody has seen the movies, I don't doubt it. But did they read the books ? Now, you'll probably say: why would you read the book if you already saw the movie, it's the same, right ? I have to answer that with a big fat NO. If you see the movie, you can't use your own imagination. All has been visualized. And if you saw the movie before you read the book, you 'imagine' the actor doing all the things and not your own creation. Charlotte has waited until she read all the books, and then she watched the movies. Respect !
Ok, the lesson of the day. There are several things where I can think of. Be the better person, always do good, trust your friends and be a good one yourself, etc. Give me your lesson what you have learned in these seven (not eight, those are the movies!) books.
Now, the reason that I gave you the cover of the fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, is because this book is my favorite. It's the most exciting book, there happens a lot in it, and the movie is the best one. Yes, I saw the movie but again, I read the book first as you can read in the post Books that have been filmed. I read the books in Dutch, but I'm planning to read them in English ofcourse.
Ofcourse, and I mentioned it before, it has been filmed. Starring Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint. There will be a new poll on the right, called 'Which book do you like the most'. Please vote, it's nice when I see that there are some persons who voted for it :)
I probably post something on Sunday (not a book review ofcourse), so it would be nice if you joined me again :) see you soon !
Monday, February 6
Everybody !
My e-mailadress has been hacked ! If you got an e-mail from me titled 'Sad news... Young Reader', ignore it ! It isn't mine, it is from the hacker ! So ignore it !
I made a new one, called theyoungreader@hotmail.be .
So ignore the adress with '.com' and accept the '.be'
Thank you !
My e-mailadress has been hacked ! If you got an e-mail from me titled 'Sad news... Young Reader', ignore it ! It isn't mine, it is from the hacker ! So ignore it !
I made a new one, called theyoungreader@hotmail.be .
So ignore the adress with '.com' and accept the '.be'
Thank you !
Sunday, February 5
Other social networks
You probably all know the social networks Facebook and Twitter etc. But did you know that there are social networks that are focused on only books ? A good example is Bookido. But at this moment the site is only in Dutch, so this post will in Dutch, my apologies.
Jullie kennen waarschijnlijk allemaal de sociale netwerken Facebook en Twitter enz. Maar wisten jullie dat er netwerken zijn die zich alleen focussen op boeken ? Een goed voorbeeld is Bookido. Ik heb het leren kennen door Lynn (die jullie waarschijnlijk allemaal wel kennen als mijn tekstadviseur) waarvoor ik haar zeer dankbaar ben, anders had ik deze fantastische 'plaats' nooit ontdekt.
Bookido is dus een site die zich concentreert op het lezen van boeken. Het brengt zowel boekhandelaars als lezers bij elkaar. Langs de kant van de handelaars zijn het niet alleen de grote die kunnen verkopen, het geeft ook de kleinere handelaars, waar ze zich vooral op richten, de kans om hun doelgroep uit te breiden. Ook biedt het de lezers de kans om de door hen gelezen boeken te laten zien en tips te geven over het boek door middel van een virtuele bibliotheek op hun profiel. Want niemand kan beter advies geven over een boek dan de medemens!
Als u meer informatie wilt of eens een kijkje wilt nemen op Bookido, dan kan u dat door te klikken op de link www.bookido.be.
See you soon !
Wednesday, February 1
A month has passed by ..
Hello guys !
Yes, I have been reading for about a month now. Well, reading for this blog, I mean :)
I just wanted to know: Do you enjoy this blog ? Do you have any corrections or compliments ? Any ideas for books or social networks ? Leave a comment or send me an e-mail and make my day ! :D
See you soon !
Yes, I have been reading for about a month now. Well, reading for this blog, I mean :)
I just wanted to know: Do you enjoy this blog ? Do you have any corrections or compliments ? Any ideas for books or social networks ? Leave a comment or send me an e-mail and make my day ! :D
See you soon !
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